
4 tips to get start NFT artist

Here's a quote from Danny @seedphrase , a well-known investor and collector who bought the Hashmasks for 420ETH, "What's important for artists to make their NFT debut".

DANNY said that

Many artists come to me looking for advice on how to be successful in the NFT space.

Here's 4 tips to get you started.

①Know your medium

You're working with pixels, not paint. I have a personal affinity for animated digital artwork, as I think that's what best demonstrates the medium. I'm always going to have a preference for a physical oil painting over an image of an oil painting.

②Build relationships

It's not a matter of just following big collectors and begging them to buy your artwork. You first need to earn their respect and friendship. Actively engaging on Twitter, ClubHouse and Discord are great starts.

③Distinguish yourself

Do you know what

@muratpak -Murat Pak-
@beeple -Beeple-
@fewocious -Fewocious-
@Hackatao -Hackatao-

have in common? Distinctiveness. Their artwork is easily distinguishable from others'. Why spend millions on art that no one can easily recognize? Stay true to your brand/style.

④Create long-lasting value

Artists who demonstrate a willingness to create value for collectors will reap the most from a healthy secondary market; thereby, increasing royalties. E.g. special drops for long-term holders, exclusive access to the artist etc







偉大なコレクターをフォローして営業するだけでなく、最初に彼らの尊敬と友情を獲得する必要があります。 Twitter、ClubHouse、Discordに積極的に参加することは素晴らしいスタートです。


Murat Pak、Beeple、Fewocious、Hackatao、XCOPYを知っていますか?どのような共通点があるでしょう?彼らの作品は他の人と簡単に区別できる強い識別力を持ちます。簡単に認識できないアートに何百万ドルも費やす人はいません。あなたのブランドとスタイルを確立し、それに忠実であり続けてください。





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